Mastering Riven in Aram: Tips and Strategies

Riven is a high mobility, high damage champion in League of Legends, and understanding her abilities is crucial to mastering her in ARAM. Riven’s passive, Runic Blade, empowers her basic attacks after casting a spell, making it essential to weave in auto attacks between her abilities for maximum damage output. Her Q ability, Broken Wings, allows her to dash forward and strike up to three times, with the third strike dealing bonus damage and knocking up enemies. This ability is key to Riven’s burst potential and crowd control in team fights. Her W ability, Ki Burst, is a short-range AOE stun that can be used to disrupt enemy channels and lock down priority targets. Riven’s E ability, Valor, grants her a shield and dashes her a short distance, making it a versatile tool for both engaging and disengaging. Finally, her ultimate ability, Blade of the Exile, empowers her basic abilities and auto attacks, increasing her damage output significantly for a short duration.

Riven’s kit is all about quick, precise combos and mobility. Understanding how to chain her abilities together effectively is crucial for maximizing her damage potential and survivability in ARAM. Her passive encourages players to weave in auto attacks between abilities, while her Q provides both mobility and crowd control. Her W and E abilities offer utility and survivability, making Riven a versatile and deadly champion in the fast-paced ARAM game mode. Mastering the timing and execution of Riven’s abilities is essential for dominating the battlefield and carrying your team to victory.

Key Takeaways

  • Riven’s abilities include Broken Wings, Ki Burst, Valor, and Blade of the Exile, which can be used in combination for devastating effects.
  • Building the right items for Riven in ARAM involves prioritizing cooldown reduction, attack damage, and survivability through items like Black Cleaver, Death’s Dance, and Guardian Angel.
  • Mastering Riven’s combos and mechanics is essential for maximizing her damage output and outplaying opponents, including animation canceling and fast Q combos.
  • Positioning and engaging as Riven in ARAM requires careful consideration of when to engage and how to use her mobility to flank and surprise enemies.
  • Teamfighting with Riven in ARAM involves using her AOE abilities to disrupt and damage multiple enemies, while also protecting her backline and diving onto priority targets.
  • Tips for surviving as Riven in ARAM include managing her cooldowns, using her shield effectively, and knowing when to disengage from fights.
  • Strategies for carrying as Riven in ARAM involve snowballing early advantages, split pushing when possible, and coordinating with teammates to secure objectives and teamfights.

Building the Right Items for Riven in ARAM

When it comes to building items for Riven in ARAM, it’s important to prioritize cooldown reduction, damage, and survivability. Cooldown reduction is crucial for Riven to spam her abilities and maximize her damage output, making items like Black Cleaver and Death’s Dance essential for her build. These items not only provide cooldown reduction but also offer attack damage and survivability through their unique passives. Additionally, items like Youmuu’s Ghostblade can further enhance Riven’s mobility and burst potential with its active ability, making it a strong choice for ARAM.

In terms of defensive items, Guardian Angel can provide Riven with a second chance in team fights, allowing her to resurrect and continue dealing damage after being taken down. Maw of Malmortius is another great defensive option against heavy magic damage compositions, providing magic resist and a shield when Riven falls below a certain health threshold. Building the right items for Riven in ARAM is all about finding the balance between damage and survivability, allowing her to dive into the enemy team and come out on top.

Mastering Riven’s Combos and Mechanics

Mastering Riven’s combos and mechanics is essential for maximizing her potential in ARAM. One of the most basic combos for Riven is the “fast combo,” which involves using her Q ability to cancel the animation of her basic attacks, allowing her to output damage quickly and efficiently. This combo is crucial for trading in lane and bursting down priority targets in team fights. Another important combo is the “doublecast,” which involves using Riven’s E ability to cancel the animation of her W ability, allowing her to stun enemies while dashing forward for a surprise engage.

Riven’s ultimate ability, Blade of the Exile, empowers her basic abilities and auto attacks, making it essential to use it at the right moment to maximize her damage output. Combining her ultimate with her Q ability can result in devastating AOE damage and crowd control, making it a key part of her combo rotation. Mastering Riven’s combos and mechanics takes practice and precision, but once mastered, she becomes a force to be reckoned with on the Howling Abyss.

Positioning and Engaging as Riven in ARAM

Metrics Value
Damage Dealt 25,000
Kills 10
Assists 15
Deaths 5
CC Score 8

Positioning and engaging as Riven in ARAM requires careful consideration of the enemy team composition and your own team’s strengths. As a melee champion with high burst potential, Riven excels at diving into the enemy team and taking down priority targets. However, it’s important to wait for the right moment to engage, as diving in too early can result in being focused down by the enemy team.

Using Riven’s E ability, Valor, to dash into the enemy team while shielding herself can be a great way to initiate a fight and catch the enemy off guard. Additionally, using the terrain on the Howling Abyss to your advantage can help you position yourself for a successful engage. Waiting for the enemy team to group up or overextend can provide you with an opportunity to land a multi-person stun with Riven’s W ability, Ki Burst, setting up your team for a successful follow-up.

Teamfighting with Riven in ARAM

Teamfighting with Riven in ARAM requires quick decision-making and precise execution of her abilities. As a high damage melee champion, Riven excels at diving into the enemy team and taking down priority targets. However, it’s important to be mindful of your positioning and cooldowns during team fights to avoid being caught out or focused down by the enemy team.

Using Riven’s Q ability, Broken Wings, to dash in and out of the fight while dealing damage can help you stay mobile and avoid being locked down by crowd control. Additionally, using her E ability, Valor, to shield yourself while engaging can provide you with some much-needed survivability in the midst of battle. Timing your ultimate ability, Blade of the Exile, for maximum impact is crucial for turning the tide of a team fight in your favor. Whether it’s using it to burst down priority targets or empowering your AOE damage with your Q ability, mastering Riven’s teamfighting mechanics is essential for carrying your team to victory on the Howling Abyss.

Tips for Surviving as Riven in ARAM

Surviving as Riven in ARAM requires careful positioning and awareness of the enemy team’s abilities. As a melee champion with high burst potential, it’s important to pick your engages carefully and avoid overextending into the enemy team. Using Riven’s E ability, Valor, to dash away from danger or shield yourself during engages can provide you with some much-needed survivability in the midst of battle.

Additionally, building defensive items like Guardian Angel or Maw of Malmortius can further enhance your survivability and provide you with a second chance in team fights. Communicating with your team and coordinating engages can also help you survive longer in team fights and make a greater impact on the game. Finally, being mindful of your positioning and cooldowns during team fights can help you avoid being caught out or focused down by the enemy team.

Strategies for Carrying as Riven in ARAM

Carrying as Riven in ARAM requires a combination of mechanical skill, game knowledge, and teamwork. As a high damage melee champion, it’s important to pick your engages carefully and focus on taking down priority targets in team fights. Communicating with your team and coordinating engages can help you make a greater impact on the game and secure victory on the Howling Abyss.

Using Riven’s mobility and burst potential to catch out squishy targets or disrupt enemy channels can provide your team with a significant advantage in team fights. Additionally, building items that enhance your damage output while providing some survivability can further increase your carry potential on the Howling Abyss. Finally, being mindful of your positioning and cooldowns during team fights can help you avoid being caught out or focused down by the enemy team, allowing you to continue dealing damage and carrying your team to victory.

If you’re interested in learning more about Riven in ARAM, check out this article on Light Investor. They provide in-depth analysis and tips for playing Riven in the ARAM game mode, helping you to maximize your impact on the battlefield. Whether you’re a seasoned Riven player or just starting out, this article can provide valuable insights to help you succeed in ARAM matches.


What is Riven in ARAM?

Riven is a champion in the popular online game League of Legends. ARAM stands for “All Random All Mid,” a game mode where players are randomly assigned a champion and must battle on a single lane.

How is Riven played in ARAM?

In ARAM, Riven is typically played as a high-damage, mobile fighter. Players often focus on building damage items to maximize her burst potential and engage in team fights.

What are Riven’s strengths in ARAM?

Riven’s strengths in ARAM include her high burst damage, mobility, and crowd control abilities. She can quickly engage and disengage in team fights, making her a formidable presence on the single lane.

What are Riven’s weaknesses in ARAM?

Riven’s weaknesses in ARAM include her relatively low sustain and vulnerability to crowd control. She can struggle against poke-heavy compositions and may require careful positioning to avoid being caught out.

What items are commonly built on Riven in ARAM?

Common items built on Riven in ARAM include damage items such as Ravenous Hydra, Black Cleaver, and Guardian Angel. Players may also opt for defensive items like Sterak’s Gage or Maw of Malmortius to increase survivability.

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